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Uterine Flush

Price: $8.99

Uterine Flush (Step Two)

This package contains 10 premium tea bags.

Ingredients: Motherwort, Cramp Bark, Burdock Root, Wild Yam, Ginger, Cleaver, Mullein and Prickly Ash Bark
Motherwort: Relaxes the muscles of the uterus, alleviates menstrual pain and promotes hormonal balance. Women experiencing abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding should not use motherwort, as it may worsen the condition. motherwort can not only reduce fibroids, but can also help strengthen the uterine wall tissues and minimize bleeding caused by fibroids.
Cramp Bark: May decrease symptoms associated with uterine fibroids.
Burdock: Is effective in cleansing the bloodstream and helps the liver detoxify the body. The root contains plant compounds that prevent growth of tumor. NOTE: Burdock may cause fluctuation in sugar and potassium levels in the blood.
Wild Yam: Has been used to treat a variety of menstrual problems, including helping to balance hormones, especially progesterone, write Joe Graedon and Teresa Graedon in "The People's Pharmacy Guide to Home and Herbal Remedies." By helping bring female hormones into balance, wild yam may assist a woman's reproductive system in staving off the growth of fibroid tumors.
Ginger: The chemical compounds in ginger may help shrink tumors, including uterine fibroids, according to Michael Castleman, author of "The New Healing Herbs."
Cleavers:  May accelerate the rate of elimination of toxins from the kidneys. According to Vertolli, cleavers is often combined with other botanicals reputed to combat urinary stones.
Mullein: A slight anesthetic and very strong sedative actions of mullein can be used to relieve various types of pains, including menstrual pains and cramps. Due to sedative and calming healing properties, health benefits of mullein include preventing nervous tension, apathy, insomnia, anxiety and other symptoms of chronic stresses.
Prickly Ash Bark: It enhances the process of nutrition and excretion and restores normal bodily function and also acts to cleanse and stimulate the efficient removal of waste products from the system. Prickly Ash Bark is said to destroy toxins.

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